On the farm. Country traditions - Visit Quarrata
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On the farm. Country traditions

Laboratories in close contact with nature



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Azienda agricola Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico - Via Colle Lungo 21, Forrottoli, Quarrata
On request
€ 35 | € 30 Synergistic cultivation laboratory

With 'Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico' so many laboratories to rediscover genuine Tuscan country traditions and to live close to nature.

Lying in the countryside around Quarrata, ‘Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico’ is a farm run by
women, closely bound to popular, Tuscan, country traditions.

Gabriella and Stefania are mainly involved in local safekeeping, safeguarding animals and in food re-
education and, with this in mind, they offer courses and laboratories tied to tradition, the seasons and century-old wisdom.

This farm’s restaurant offers homemade cooking using only local products.

Their laboratories are open all year round for an outdoor experience in contact with nature. The farm organizes courses for children. Click here to read more about them.

Laboratories open all year round

From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Bakery
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Cheese-making
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Jams
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Horticulture
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Animal husbandry

From 7.30 pm. – Use of egg
From 7.30 pm. – Use of summer and winter vegetables
From 7.30 pm. – Use of flour and gluten-free products
From 7.30 pm. – Recovery and restoration of old rural tools
From 7.30 pm. – Recovery and restoration of old rural objects and furniture
From 7.30 pm. – Wood essence, seasoning and processing
From 7.30 pm. – Basket weaving

Seasonal laboratories

Winter period, from 7.30 pm. – Use of meat and game
Spring and autumn, from 10.30 am. to 7.30 pm. – Synergistic cultivation
PSpring and summer, from 10.30 am. to 12.30 pm.– Yoga

April and May, from 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Beekeeping and hone
May and June, from 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Shearing and processing of wool
September and October, from 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm.–  Viticulture and wine
Ottobre e novembre, from 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Viticulture and wine


L’Azienda agricola Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico