School farm for kids - Visit Quarrata
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School farm for kids

Interesting activities specially made for kids



Home / esperienze / School farm for kids

Azienda agricola Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico - Via Colle Lungo 21, Forrottoli, Quarrata
On request
From € 20 | € 15 groups and school classes

At the 'Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico' farm, so many laboratories specially made for kids so tyhat they can experience nature.

The ‘Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico‘ is a farm linked to popular, Tuscan farm, traditions and is mainly involved in local safekeeping, animal safeguarding and food re-education.

Together with Gabriella and Stefania, even tiny kids can discover what a farm is, where animals live, and the authentic values of outdoor living, in contact with nature. Learn all about the Farm’s teaching ideas, especially suitable for kids over 3 years old.

Moreover, there is also a restaurant on the farm which serves homemade cooking using only local products.

Laboratories open all year round

From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Bakery
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Cheese-making
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Jams
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Olive growing and oil
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Viticulture and wine
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Horticulture
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Animal husbandry
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Yoga
From 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Basket weaving

Seasonal laboratories

April and May, from 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Apicoltura e laboratorio del miele
May and June, from 10.30 am. to 2.30 pm. – Tosatura e lavorazione della lana


Azienda agricola Canto di Primavera del Sogno Antico