Monumental Complex of Buriano - Visit Quarrata
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Monumental Complex of Buriano

The Church of San Michele Arcangelo



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Via della Chiesa 12, Buriano

Built over a Lombard guard, the church is now presented with eighteenth-century forms and preserves works by local and international artists.

The Church of San Michele di Buriano is attested by documents from 1433, when it was registered as dependent on the parish of Quarrata. Today, with the prospect of transformation into a public museum, the church has taken the name of Monumental Complex of Buriano.

The church, built as a country chapel, was built over a Longobard guard, and then was enlarged during the eighteenth century. Some traces of the ancient medieval building, even if it was rebuilt in the eighteenth century, can still be seen.

Inside the church there are works of art by local and international painters and sculptors, such as the artist Quinto Martini. The Way of the Cross is evocative, it winds around the complex and consists of 14 paintings by different painters. Each station is also decorated with an olive wood cross from Jerusalem.

Opposite the façade, on the opposite side of the square, the statue of Saint Michael the Archangel by the American sculptor Kirk McReynolds’ S. Maur dominates the landscape from the top of a column.

Pipe organ

In 1853, on the counter-façade wooden choir, Nicomede Agati built an important pipe organ. The instrument is composed of a white wooden case decorated with friezes painted in false relief. Elegant carved and painted plant motifs decorate the façade.